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Teshikaga Town in
Eastern Hokkaido, where
you can feel the breath
of the magnificent nature.

The rich nature will move your soul
and give you a healing time.

Mount Iwo is an active volcano where you can view its fumaroles from the closest point in Japan. Smoke gushes out from the mountainside, and the smell of sulfur fills the air. You can even walk up close to the mountain, so you can experience the power of nature up close . BB Farm is in a great location with a panoramic view of the back side of this magnificent Mount Iwo. Enjoy the different appearances of Mount Iwo from both sides.

Lake Kussharo, the largest caldera lake in Japan, is known for the beautiful water despite its enormous size. Lake Kussharo shows different faces throughout the year. The magnificent natural scenery gradually freezes over from around December, and the lake remains completely frozen over until around March.

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At the Sand Bath on the shores of Lake Kussharo, you can create your own hand and foot baths by digging into the steaming sand, where hot spring water will bubble up. It is one of the tourist destinations that offers a variety of ways to enjoy Lake Kussharo, from camping and boating in the summer to watching migrating whooper swans resting gracefully in the winter.

Lake Mashu, located in Akan National Park, is the second most transparent lake in the world. The color of the lake water, which quietly shines in an infinitely clear blue, is called "Mashu Blue" and fascinates people from all over the world. It is a mysterious lake that will take your breath away with its awe-inspiring, sacred appearance and captivating beauty.


Kyumarumaru Grassland is located on a small hill overlooking Teshikaga Town, and is a vast grassland with a total area of 1,440 hectares. Over 1,000 cows are lazing around on the grassland as far as the eye can see. From the observation deck, you can see the rural scenery of Teshikaga Town, as well as the Kushiro Marsh, Mt. Meakan, and Mt. Oakan in the distance, on clear days.

A 30-minute drive will take you to an even more unique natural environment.

This mystical pond, called "God's Child" because of the legend that it was made from the underground water of Lake Mashu (the spring of the gods), never freezes even in winter because 12,000 tons of underground water springs out of it every day, and its color changes to emerald green or pale blue depending on the weather. Because the water is so clear, you can see all the way to the bottom of the pond, which is very beautiful and captivating.

Sakura Falls is a 2.5m high waterfall, and the sight of cherry salmon jumping over the falls, which can be seen from June to August, is a spectacular sight. Cherry salmon are fish of the salmon family that go down to the sea, grow large, and then return to rivers to spawn, and it is rare even on a global scale to see them jump over such a large waterfall. With strength, timing, and luck on their side, only a few fish are able to successfully jump over the falls, and you can't help but cheer them on as they jump with all their might again and again.


Higashimokoto Shibazakura Park in Ozora Town is one of Hokkaido's most famous moss phlox spots. Its history began in 1977 when a local farmer planted a handful of moss phlox plants with the idea of "making beautiful flowers bloom in this place." The number of plants has increased year by year, and it has now grown into a large moss phlox field boasting an area of 10 hectares, and from late May to early June the entire hill is dyed pink.

From the Bihoro Pass Observatory, at an altitude of 525m, you can look down on Lake Kussharo, Japan's largest caldera lake, Mt. Iwo, and in the distance you can see a magnificent panorama of the Shiretoko mountain range and the Daisetsu peaks. Due to its beautiful scenery, Bihoro Pass is hailed as"one of the most beautiful views in the world" and it is crowded with many tourists every year .

How about taking a trip to Shiretoko, a famous World Heritage Site, only an hour and a half drive from BB Farm?

Shiretoko is a nature reserve in Hokkaido, with spectacular mountains, lakes and marshes, and a treasure trove of wildlife. You can enjoy nature on trekking and cruises, and you can also observe wildlife such as brown bears and seals. Beautiful scenery in every season and outdoor activities are attractive.

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